Parallel Logix

Think remarkable technology

About Us

We provide cutting-edge integrated solutions tailored for Electronics Design Automation (EDA), Industrial Automation, IoT, and Software Development. Elevate your business operations with our comprehensive range of products.

teal LED panel
teal LED panel
person using laptop
person using laptop

Our services empower businesses to optimize their operations and drive growth. From Electronics Design Automation to Industrial Automation and Software Development, we have the solutions to meet your needs.

Our Services

EDA Solutions
tilt-shift photography of green computer motherboard
tilt-shift photography of green computer motherboard


We offer state-of-the-art Electronics Design Automation solutions that enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

birds eye photography of concrete structure
birds eye photography of concrete structure
Industrial Automation

Our Industrial Automation solutions enable businesses to automate processes, improve efficiency, and achieve operational excellence.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
IoT Solutions

With our IoT solutions, businesses can connect devices, gather data, and gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.

turned on gray laptop computer
turned on gray laptop computer
Software Development

We provide end-to-end software development services, from ideation to deployment, to help businesses build innovative and robust solutions.

teal and white wires
teal and white wires

Dive into a world of robust, high-speed connections. Discover a range of wired networking solutions tailored to meet the demands of modern industries. From Ethernet to fiber-optic technologies, we have you covered.

Wired Network Solutions
white and black satellite dish on top of white building
white and black satellite dish on top of white building
Wireless Network Solutions

Unleash the power of wireless connectivity. Our advanced wireless solutions empower your machines to communicate effortlessly, whether in a local network or across vast distances. Explore Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cutting-edge IoT connectivity options.